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Sample Data

You may download saple data by choosing the links below. It is recommended to use the "save as" (right-click) feature of your browser to save the files on your computers storage system.


16-bit, 4-channel (CIR)
Height above ground 450 m
Resolution approx. 5 cm

To view the 4-channel CIR-TIFF images correctly you need an image viewer capable of displaying  4 channels  (e.g. QGIS, a free and Open Source Geographic Information System

Alternatively without NIR-channel: you can view the 3-channel RGB-TIFF images with many popular image viewers.

Laserscanning Data

Height above ground 450 m
Point density: 14 points / m2 average

Data are in losslessly compressed LAZ format (

Provided download data and images are for evaluation purposes only. It is prohibited to copy, distribute and modify these data or make them available to third party. Copyright by AeroMap GmbH.